What is the Difference Between Arbitration and Mediation?

As an arbitrator I frequently assist companies by acting as a chairman at disciplinary enquiries. I hear the testimony of both parties, review, analyse and decide as to the blame worthiness of the employee – arriving at a sanction that may include dismissal or something lesser.

I take charge of the proceedings, act as a […]

Why should we say “disciplinary enquiry” rather than “disciplinary hearing”?

I have been asked this question a couple of times this last week. Although the term “disciplinary hearing” remains in common use in business, the legal fraternity, the CCMA and even the Courts, there is also a growing movement to dispense with terms of a criminal orientation. After all, employees are simply going through a […]

Workplace Bullying is Harassment!

A letter to the Sunday Times yesterday (5th January 2012) dealt with an employee who believed her boss “to be from hell”. She (or, perhaps, he) expanded with comments such as “intent on sabotaging me at every turn; making my working life impossible; tells me of meetings five minutes beforehand; then requires […]